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Alicia Boy profile

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Alicia Boy

Address: Porfirio Díaz 202-2, Col. del Valle, México D.F., CP 03100 Phone Number: +52 55 55754953

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.boydeviaje.com, www.concienciafemenina.com

Twitter: @aliciaboy and @boydeviaje Facebook: boydeviaje.com Instagram: @boydeviaje

Professional Bio:

Alicia Boy first trip alone was after high school, she was 18 years old, and spend a year in Europe, after that great trip she decide that traveling was her life. After a long list of cities and countries visited, she still wants to see more of the world and share her experiences with others, giving them accurate information that helps them to see more of our planet on their own.

She believes that knowledge will make a better world and that her work as a journalist, editor, writer and traveler helps accomplish this. She study Hotel Management, photography and film making, all this allows her to document what she sees in her travels.

She started her career as a journalist in 1997 when she started working in Reforma newspaper travel section De Viaje!, that gave her the opportunity to continue traveling all over the world. Cover stories and all the events related to the national and international travel industry, write articles and photography and did an online radio program for the newspaper webpage called Punto de Partida.

In 2003 she left Reforma to travel on her own one more time, a trip all over Asia that allow her to collect more stories and photography to publish in different media. Over a year she visited India, Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Lao, China, Mongolia, Russia and Germany.

When she return to Mexico she became a freelance contributing to different media including National Geographic Traveler, Blue & Blanc, Yahoo México, Alto Nivel, Mundo Ejecutivo, Yahoo Blogs (http://mx.news.qa1p.global.media.yahoo.com/blogs/author/alicia-boy/archive/3.html) and others. Including did some writing and proofreading for Visited Florida website, for Miles Media.

Up to date she contributes once a month for Excelsior newspaper Sunday travel section Bon Voyage and the honeymooners magazine called El viaje de tu boda, and for the radio program Imágenes del Turismo in 90.5FM (nation wide broadcast). Besides being the editor in chief for boydeviaje.com, concienciafemenina.com and www.chloevisitsmexicocity.com, online magazines and blog.

Since 2013 she have been working in some productions like the TV series EcoMéxico, a ecotourism 13 chapter program, and now I’m producing Boydeviaje TV and VisiónH a lifestyle program for men in which she has the food and travel section.


“Best newspaper article of the year” 2013, Granted by the Canadian Tourism Commission. The article was about the Yukon and the aurora borealis experience.

“Best U.S Travel Destination Article 2012”, Pow Wow Travel Writer Award for an article about Ice fishing in Minnesota. Brand USA, City Pass and Visit USA Committees grant this award during International Pow Wow, the mayor travel event for the US, more than 600 journalist from al over the world submit one or to article to the contest.

Award for the best tourisms article written during 2011 about USA: “See America Writer Award 2011” second place also for the article Ice fishing in Minnesota, TIA organization grants this award next to the Commercial Services of the USA Embassy in Mexico.

Award for the best tourisms article written during 2007 about USA: “See America Writer Award 2007” first place for the article about Oregon Bounty, TIA organization grants this award next to the Commercial Services of the USA Embassy.

Boydeviaje.com profile:

www.boydeviaje.com is a travel magazine that started in 2003 as blog until 2009 when it became to an online travel magazine. Now we have an average of 30 thousand visits a month and 2.9 pageviews per visit. We focus in giving useful information to our readers and at the same time giving them updates about destinations, hotels, spas and the different ways of transportation.